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EduSeismArtTec – Educational Seismology for school and society:

A multidisciplinary approach through innovative theater education methods and digital technologies

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The proposal was submitted in the context of the 1st Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to Support Faculty Members & Researchers and Procure High-Value Research Equipment. After the 2 evaluation phases, the proposal was approved for financing with the 21735 / 05.02.2020 decision of the Director of EL.ID.EK. (ΑΔΑ: 6ΘΟΓ46Μ77Γ-1ΝΠ). The project was included in the budget of the National Observatory of Athens, as the host institution during the 1178 / 26.02.2020 meeting of the Board of Directors.


Τhe Eastern Mediterranean region is characterized by high seismicity, with impact on human activities and infrastructures. Reduction of the economic and social impact of earthquakes requires the development of seismological research, the education of population for resilience and the improvement of the State response. In this context: a) the seismological institutions actively participate in raising awareness and popularizing the concepts for understanding the disastrous earthquake phenomenon in extended population groups; b) students and teachers are population groups that can have a role in reducing the impact through the educational process and diffusion of knowledge; c) earthquake protection measures are a set of rules that can be followed individually, with the Educational Seismology having a social dimension (in the short and long term); d) Educational Seismology expands into Citizen Seismology, where a trained for earthquakes citizen becomes an observer and reports reliable information to scientists, who process them and provide valuable information to the State for immediate response to affected areas. Theater in education, already widely recognized as a mean for the formulation of individual human behavior, the development of critical thinking and human socialization, enables a variety of experiential approaches to sensitive or demanding subjects and challenges. When drama is combined with the use of modern digital technologies, such as virtual reality or the combination of real actors and digital agents in hybrid events, it allows for innovative, multi-disciplinary approaches of education on the earthquake phenomenon and resilience, whereupon the school becomes a source of information for wider population groups. Within the framework of the proposed project, NOA-IG, as research and operational State institution in the field of Seismology, cooperates with UPEL-DTS to introduce and exploit theater education in Educational Seismology and with UEA-DEEE for the integration of innovative multimedia andcommunication techniques in this process.

Scientific team

The scientific team consists of two A’ Researchers, one Professor, one Associate Professor, one Assistant Professor, two members of the Special Teaching Staff, two members of the Laboratory Teaching Staff, one member of the Special Scientific Staff, and two associate experts inInformatics.


A brief presentation of the project