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Working Package 4

For an integral dissemination plan, a spectrum of activities will be employed: the project materials and methods will be made publicly available through a website designed, developed and maintained for its needs. A theatre performance will be staged by UoP-DTS students on the theme of Educational Seismology. The project activities documentation, the evaluation results and the overall experience of all participants will be collected and published in a dedicated book. The results will be also presented to thematic sessions within international congresses / workshops. Finally, academic staff members will encourage their students to undertake BSc and/or MSc projects/theses on Educational Seismology, theatre plays and digital technologies and to publish their results.


D.4.1 The dissemination tools (Logo, leaflets, press release, posters, website in operational state) [M18]

D.4.2 The theatre performance [M30]

D.4.3 The congress / workshop presentations (abstracts or paper publications in proceedings) [M34]

D.4.4 The published project book [M36]

D.4.5 The student BSc/MSc projects/theses and potential publications [M36]